Terrible nouvelle : pour cause de maladie de sa femme, Coen ne participera pas à la prochaine tournée en Amérique du Nord afin de s'occuper de ses enfants et être avec sa famille. Je souhaite tout le courage du monde à eux, en espérant que le traitement de sa femme se passera bien. Coen reviendra en tournée en octobre.
Le message de Coen :
"Dear friends and fans.Here is a message I hoped never to write to you. Unfortunately I will not take part in Epica’s upcoming North American Enigma tour with Eluveitie and The Agonist.Recently, my wife Linda was diagnosed with cancer. To overcome this terrible disease she is getting chemo-treatment. Needless to say, I have to be at her side and take care of our children during this period.I want to express my deepest gratitude towards Simone, Mark, Isaac, Rob, Arien, our entire crew and management for their love, understanding and support! I cannot wish for anything better then these guys having my back in these times! I am sure they will keep giving you the best possible show there is, with or without me.Thank you and hope to see you soon!Cheers Coen"